Picture of Dr. Ku holding a small dog (Wanda).

Gloria Ku, DVM, CVA

I received my B.A. from Dartmouth College, my D.V.M. from the University of California, Davis, and my C.V.A. from Chi University. I have had multiple cats, dogs, fish, a turtle and a gecko, and befriended a particular bluejay and hummingbird over the years. I love traveling and exploring new places, spending time with my human and four legged family, hiking, gardening, cello, and appreciating good food.

One reason I find acupuncture so appealing is that it is rarely associated with negative side effects, can be accomplished without the need for a lot of pharmaceuticals that may or may not have a known mechanism of action themselves, and we often achieve remarkable results supporting our pets’ own resources. Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and there are over 31,000 research papers with over 6,100 of them related specifically to animals at the US National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine (www.pubmed.gov). I am really excited to combine over 30 years of my experience working with Western medicine and surgery with this artful practice to bring better pain management and quality of life to my patients.